Herbal Ingredients for Skin CareThis alphabetical list contains herbs, essential oils, and botanicals known for their beneficial properties in skin care and treatment of common skin problems. These are natural ingredients you should seek out in your skin care products. Everyone’s skin is different. If something causes irritation, it should be discontinued.
Aloe is a natural, antibacterial, antibiotic hydrant often used to heal cuts and burns, also known for its soothing properties for acne sufferers. Aloe can be applied directly to the skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar is one of the top acne herbal remedies, as wells as soothing got dry skin. It may be used internally and/or externally. Try to use unfiltered vinegar and apply a solution of 50% vinegar and 50% water to the face several times per day.
Basil possesses antibacterial properties and helps the active ingredients of other herbs more readily penetrate the skin.
Birch leaves are said to be disinfectant and aid in the reduction of anti-cellulite.
Burdock is an anti-inflammatory containing numerous antioxidants that protect the liver from toxic chemicals. Its liver support and digestion aid lends itself well to the treatment of acne. It helps remove toxins and cleans tissues.
Calendula is great for healing and tissue regenerating. It is antibacterial and stimulates the production of collagen while minimizing scarring.
Chamomile is used in skin care for its cleansing and soothing benefits, especially for sensitive and irritated skin. It is anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral.
Comfrey is a skin rejuvenator having healing, soothing and moisture retaining properties. It is good for damaged skin and diminishes wrinkles as it enables skin tissue to regain elasticity. It promotes skin cell regeneration and new cell growth.
Cornflower is used for soothing inflamed and irritated skin. It is a gentle astringent with antibacterial and antioxidant properties. It is often included in eye washes and products.
Frankinsence benefits acne and oily skin and helps to clear up blemishes.
Lady’s Mantle soothes and cleanses dry or sensitive skin. It is often included in anti-wrinkle products.
Lavender is useful for normal and dry skin, although it is used for all types of skin. It is gentle and soothing.
Lemon balm is effective in cleansing mildly oily skin, helping to close pores. It is an astringent with a soothing effect for sensitive skin.
Neem has antibacterial, astringent and antiviral properties. It effectively treats skin conditions ranging from acne to eczema. It also soothes itchy skin.
Patchouli is used for inflamed and itching skin. It promotes cell rejuvenation and helps to tighten loose skin.
Peppermint stimulates and revitalizes. It restores elasticity to the skin, tones tissue, clarifies the skin. It is good for oily complexions.
Rose soothes dry, sensitive, and mature skin, although beneficial to all skin types, and helps to cleanse, tone, and moisturize.
Rosemary stimulates blood circulation and restores elasticity to the skin. Its antibacterial properties aid in the control and prevention of blemishes in oily skin.
Sage is great for oily skin and for mature, untoned complexions. It cleanses, stimulates blood circulation, closes pores and restores elasticity. It also slows oil production of the skin.
Tea Tree is antibacterial, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and antiviral. It is great for acne sufferers. Although safe for direct skin contact, dilution is recommended to avoid drying out the skin.
Yarrow is used for its astringent and soothing effects on the skin. It helps to tone skin, reduce pores and diminish signs of wrinkles.
Recipes for homemade skin care products coming soon!